In the north of Azerbaijan, amid high mountains, lies the town of
Sheki. It is so deeply hidden in a valley that only its red-tiled rooftops
and pointed minarets topped with crescents can be seen in the dense
greenery of gardens. And whereas the centre is enlivened by multilingual groups of tourists, suburban streets are quiet and empty
most of the day.
Sheki is cosy, charming and good-naturedly provincial. Time here
has its own leisurely rhythm, and once you come to the quarters
which appear not to have changed since the early Middle Ages, it
seems that they have floored the brake on life’s inexorable pace.
Sheki life flows quietly and slowly as if its inhabitants have never
experienced the great excitements of the world at large. And even
the bristling walls of the fortress appear only as an innocent decoration of the idyllic landscape.